
Running for the first time

If this is the first time you're running the chamber, you should see this window when you launch:

If you do not see this window, your chamber has already been setup and you can skip this step.

Press OK.

Select a configuration folder

You will now see this:

This is the standard java file selector. You can use it to select either an existing configuration, or the destination for a new one.

There are five buttons at the top right:

  • Pressing will move up one file.
  • Pressing takes you to the computers home directory.
  • Pressing creates a new directory.

There are now two paths to take:

Select an existing configuration

If you have an existing configuration, select it and click Save. The file will be loaded and the chamber will launch as normal.
That's it! See the operations guide for the next steps.

Create a new configuration

Otherwise, select a new empty directory in any location for the new configuration. You can create a new directory in three ways:

  • Clicking . It will ask you for a filename.
  • Typing the filename into the field next to Folder name:. In the example above, this would look like this: .
  • Right click and select .

Make sure to name it something meaningful! (A good example would be ChamberConfiguration).

Select a default configuration

If you got this far, you are creating a new configuration. You'll see a window like this:

Select the configuration that you want to start with. A lot of these are not complete and you'll need to fill out fields, but some of them (notably Debug and Simulation) are ready to go just from this.


Finally, you should see this window:

If you need to make changes to the configuration, move onto the next part of the lesson. Otherwise, restart the application and you should be ready to go!